The Ministry of Economy of Ukraine and Palantir, a technology company specializing in big data analytics, have signed a partnership agreement that provides for the involvement of artificial intelligence (AI) in the process of humanitarian demining of Ukrainian territories in the future.

This is stated in the press service of the economic department.
The document was signed in London, as part of a visit to the UK by a Ukrainian delegation headed by First Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Economy of Ukraine Yulia Svyrydenko.
– Humanitarian demining is the zero stage of Ukraine's recovery. Currently, 156 thousand hectares are potentially contaminated. square kilometers of land, more than 6 million Ukrainians are at risk. That is why accelerating humanitarian demining, in particular through cooperation with technology companies such as Palantir, is an opportunity to save people's lives and start rebuilding Ukraine faster," Svyrydenko said.
On behalf of Palantir, the document was signed by Louis Mosley, Executive Vice President for Great Britain and Europe, who said that the agreement would help save the lives of Ukrainians and strengthen the economy of Ukraine.
"Whether we're helping Ukraine's brave defenders resist Putin's aggression, supporting the resettlement of their loved ones, or helping the country's critical demining program, Palantir stands shoulder to shoulder with Ukraine and its people," said Louis Mosley.
According to the document, cooperation is envisaged in the following areas:
- digitization of humanitarian demining operations, automation of processes envisaged by the National Mine Action Strategy for the period up to 2033;
- using an assistant based on the Palantir Artificial Intelligence (AIP) platform for mine action decision-making.
- using an assistant based on the Palantir Artificial Intelligence (AIP) platform for mine action decision-making.
These databases will include both sustainable information, for example, an assessment of the economic efficiency of agricultural land, the proximity of contaminated areas to communications, etc., and operational information, which will be regularly updated.
In particular, we are talking about the data of the survey of the territories of the State Emergency Service, the State Emergency Service, non-governmental operators, the number and condition of equipment, the presence of pyrotechnic units in specific areas, etc.
– Thanks to the capabilities of Palantir AIP, the platform will analyze information and provide recommendations for process optimization. For example, he will be able to advise, taking into account all the data, how to most effectively clean up a particular area – using new demining methods, such as drones, or using traditional methods. The ultimate goal is to demine the territories faster and at a lower cost," the press service said.
The pilot project of the platform was presented at the First International Donors' Conference on Humanitarian Demining in Ukraine, which took place in Zagreb on October 11-12, 2023.
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