Russian President Vladimir Putin and U.S. leader Donald Trump agreed that the path to peace would begin with an energy and infrastructure ceasefire.

This was written by White House Press Secretary Karoline Leavitt on her social media page X.
Following the negotiations, the path to peace will also begin with technical discussions on implementing a maritime ceasefire in the Black Sea, a full ceasefire, and a permanent peace. Such negotiations will begin immediately in the Middle East.
"The leaders generally discussed the Middle East as a region of potential cooperation to prevent future conflicts. They also discussed the need to halt the proliferation of strategic weapons and will engage with other countries to ensure their broadest possible application. The leaders of both countries share the view that Iran must never be in a position to destroy Israel," the statement said.
The statement also added that the war in Ukraine should never have started and should have ended long ago.
"Today, President Trump and President Putin discussed the necessity of peace and a ceasefire in Ukraine. Both leaders agreed that this conflict must be resolved with a lasting peace. They also emphasized the need to improve bilateral relations between the U.S. and Russia. The blood and money that Ukraine and Russia are spending on this war would be better spent on the needs of their people," the White House statement reads.
At the same time, the presidents agreed that the future of improved relations between the U.S. and Russia holds great potential. This includes economic agreements and geopolitical stability after achieving peace, the statement emphasized.
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