Starting June 1, 2025, stricter limits on card transfers will come into effect in Ukraine.

Citizens who do not have official income confirmation will only be able to transfer up to 100,000 UAH per month.
Banking experts recommend preparing in advance by verifying income and reviewing the number of active accounts to avoid inconveniences.
How to verify income to increase the limit
Deputy Chairman of the Board of "Globus Bank" Anna Dovgalska explained that official income verification will allow clients to increase their transfer limits, reports "Expert". To do this, banks can accept the following documents:
- OK-5 and OK-7 certificates (data from the Pension Fund register);
- tax declaration;
- documents confirming official salary payments;
- proof of payments from state institutions;
- official income of family members;
- documents confirming volunteer activities or other legal sources of income.
How to avoid problems with new restrictions
Financial experts recommend:
- Optimizing the number of accounts – closing inactive accounts to avoid issues with limits.
- Setting up automatic payments through bank mobile apps and personal accounts for easy payment of utility bills and subscriptions.
- Using digital payment tools, including:
- the "Diia" portal;
- the electronic taxpayer's cabinet;
- official online banking services.
Reasons for stricter transfer controls
Since February 1, 2025, Ukraine has enforced a monthly limit of 150,000 UAH on card transfers. However, many citizens have tried to bypass these limits by opening accounts in different banks or using IBAN transfers.
According to Dovgalska, in February, the number of card transfers temporarily decreased by 12%, and their total volume fell by 18%. However, by mid-month, the situation had stabilized.
Financial analysts predict that after the new restrictions take effect in June, Ukrainians will gradually adapt to the changes again. Therefore, it is important to prepare all necessary documents in advance to avoid complications with financial transactions.
Читайте також:
- Закарпатців переслідують дронами: що сталось у регіоні за останній період й чому варто боятись штрафів?
- Шафрани та "ельфійський вогонь" - на вагу золота: на Закарпатті знайшли рідкісну знахідку (ФОТО)
- На Закарпатті оголосили небезпеку руйнівного масштабу: загроза І рівня у регіоні
- Найдревніших істот "воскресили" в одній з громад Закарпаття. Як виглядає "чудо" з минулого (ФОТО)
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