Lord Peter Ricketts suggests that the war could drag on due to the indecisiveness of the United States and the economic state of Russia.

The fighting in Ukraine could continue for at least another year, as peace talks initiated by U.S. President Donald Trump are being delayed. This opinion was expressed by retired British diplomat Lord Peter Ricketts in a comment to Sky News.
High likelihood of a prolonged conflict
"There is quite a high probability that a ceasefire, even if achieved, will not last long, and over the next year or so, we may see continued fighting," Ricketts stated.
In his opinion, Donald Trump is not putting enough pressure on Russian President Vladimir Putin to force him into a peaceful resolution of the conflict.
"If Trump is not willing to do this, I fear that it could drag on for some time. I hope not, but I am afraid that this is the case," the diplomat added.
The role of economic pressure and NATO prospects
Ricketts noted that if the U.S. does not intensify diplomatic and military pressure on Russia, the war may end under the influence of other factors, particularly Russia’s economic weakness.
According to him, the best scenario for Ukraine is maintaining independence and securing the possibility of joining NATO. At the same time, he expressed doubts about the feasibility of reclaiming all territories occupied by Russia.
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