In Lviv, a 54-year-old local resident developed a bacterial infection after she was probably bitten by an unknown spider.
According to Andriy Orfin, an infectious disease doctor and deputy director for the medical unit of the Lviv Regional Infectious Diseases Hospital , the incident happened in early April, Ukrayinska Pravda writes .
A woman from Lviv told doctors that she felt a sharp pain just above the elbow on her left arm when she was cleaning the pantry at home. After a while, the place swelled, and later the swelling also covered the forearm.
Before going to the hospital, the woman tried to be treated on her own for more than a week, but it got worse.
"While she was self-medicating, she developed a secondary bacterial infection. Ultrasound revealed changes in the woman's soft tissues, which indicates that there is productive inflammation there," says the doctor.
During the examination, doctors noticed two punctures at the site of the alleged bite. They suggested that they could have been left by a spider, since it is spiders that have two stingers.
"Few animals leave two holes after a bite. It happened at home. If it was in nature, there would be more options for who could bite," he adds.
The final source of infection is not yet known, says an infectious disease doctor.
The patient is currently undergoing medical treatment. According to the doctor, whether it is able to stop the infection will be clear in a few days.
"The worst-case scenario is the further spread of the infection. In this case, it will be necessary to carry out surgical intervention with wide lamp incisions of the skin with an opening that will allow the pus to come out," added Andriy Orfin.
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