Information about palm trees in Uzhhorod quickly gained popularity in the media and social networks. At the same time, it became known that this exotic plant is not the first to be found in these places.
In the regional center of Transcarpathia, on Babyaka Street, several palm trees were planted next to sakura. This was done at the initiative of a construction company that is building a residential complex nearby, writes
This was announced on his Facebook page by the deputy mayor of Uzhgorod Yevhen Plavayko.
Mykhailo Markovych, a researcher of the history of Transcarpathia, responded to this news, and published a photograph of the city of Vynohradiv, taken in 1925.
The photo shows one of the oldest buildings in the region - the Pereni Palace, which was taken by the Czech photographer Florian Zapletal.
"You can see that even then, in the 1920s, the inhabitants of the Silver Land liked to have exotic plants in their parks and buildings. The entrance to the Pereni Palace was decorated with two Liviston's palm trees (so it seems in appearance) in pots," Mykhailo Markovych's post reads.
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