Ukraine intends to establish fines for violation of the rules of military registration and legislation in the field of defense and mobilization.
Such a decision wants to be made by the Verkhovna Rada Committee on Law Enforcement after considering draft law No. 10379, which deals with prison terms and fines for refusing the MPC. According to the people's deputies, this draft law needs to be completely rewritten.
As the chairman of the committee, Serhiy Ionushas, said in an interview with RBC-Ukraine, during peacetime, it is proposed to levy a fine of 200 to 300 thousand rubles for violation of the rules of military registration. In case of repeated violation or during a special period, the fine will be from 1 to 1.5 thousand non-taxable minimums, which is equivalent to 17-25 thousand hryvnias.
At the same time, for violation of the legislation on defense and mobilization, fines for citizens can range from UAH 5.1 thousand to UAH 8.5 thousand for citizens and from 17 thousand to 34 thousand for officials and legal entities. However, in wartime, fines will range from 17 thousand to 25,500 hryvnias for citizens, and for officials, the amount will increase from 34 thousand to 59,500 thousand hryvnias.
The Committee also recommended not to amend the Criminal Code of Ukraine, leaving the norms in their current version, and suggested that the Verkhovna Rada adopt this draft law in the first reading and as a whole. The decision on whether the bill will be adopted in the final reading will be known later, Ionushas added.
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