The Cabinet of Ministers extended the academic year.

In Ukrainian schools, the last quarter of the current academic year has begun. After it, schoolchildren will go on the long-awaited summer holidays. However, this year they will have to wait a month longer than in previous years. The schedule of summer vacations has shifted.
" Apostrophe" told about when this academic year will end and the summer holidays will begin, referring to government decree No. 782 of July 28, 2023.
"To establish the duration of the 2023/2024 academic year in general secondary education institutions from September 1, 2023 to June 28, 2024," the document says.
Thus, the Cabinet of Ministers extended the school year, familiar to the grandparents of current schoolchildren, for almost a whole month. At the same time, the holiday of the last bell will take place on the usual day - May 31. However, after that, the educational process will continue.
The Cabinet of Ministers has extended the training period to compensate educators and students for educational losses that have arisen due to air raids and other force majeure situations that lead to interruptions in the educational process.
In the first month of summer, teachers will still be able to conduct classes that were missed. In addition, the final annual tests and certification in various subjects can be postponed to June.
At the same time, local authorities and school administrations were given the opportunity to determine the start date of the summer holidays themselves. That is, in some schools, they can start earlier. At the same time, summer vacations will end, as usual - on August 31.
Read also: One of the longest in Ukraine: Sakura Alley bloomed in Transcarpathia (VIDEO)
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