The Ukrainian Hydrometeorological Center predicts significant weather changes at the beginning of the new week.
Precipitation will stop, and day and night temperatures will gradually rise. In some regions, the thermometer will show +25 degrees in the coming days.
This was reported by the Ukrainian Hydrometeorological Center.
On Monday, April 8, mostly sunny weather, sometimes partly cloudy weather is expected throughout the country. At night, the thermometer will drop to +7 ... +9 degrees, but the lowest temperature will be in Sumy, Chernihiv and Kharkiv regions.
On Tuesday, April 9, the precipitation situation will not change. Mostly sunny weather is expected in all regions. According to weather forecasters, on Tuesday the thermometer will rise to +22 ... +25 degrees. The highest temperatures are expected in the west and center of Ukraine.
On Wednesday, April 10, clouds will continue to dissipate over Ukraine and it will be sunny throughout the day in all regions. Temperatures will drop a few degrees in many areas. In the west, weather forecasters predict +19 ... +21 during the day. In the center, south and east of Ukraine, up to +25 degrees is expected. It will be warm on this day in the north. Thermometers will rise to 23 degrees Celsius.
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