The Committee on National Security, Defense and Intelligence amended the motivational part of the draft law on mobilization and returned some restrictions for conscripts.

As reported by the people's deputy, member of the committee, Iryna Friz on Facebook, at the next meeting of the committee, a decision was made to revise some previous decisions and the committee's amendments were considered.
Among the changes:
- restrictions on the provision of consular services to citizens of Ukraine abroad without military registration documents have been returned;
- the introduction of an electronic cabinet is left as a right (opportunity), not an obligation;
- military personnel who have signed new contracts for military service will be able to choose the unit where they will serve from the list of units approved by the General Staff;
- the first month of service is counted as three months if the soldier performed combat missions directly in the areas of hostilities;
- military personnel on the first line for every 30 days of combat missions are paid a total of 70 thousand hryvnias;
- most servicemen are paid monthly remuneration "for the peculiarities of service" in the amount of 10 thousand hryvnias;
- The reward for the destruction (capture) of the enemy's military and combat (specialized) equipment will range from 4 to 80 times the subsistence minimum.
The committee also offered benefits:
- Military personnel will be entitled to compensation of 50% of the first installment on a loan secured by a mortgage, and an additional UAH 100 thousand after the first year of military service and another UAH 100 thousand after the second. Compensation is provided to a serviceman only once during the entire period of his military service;
- Military personnel are not charged penalties, penalties for non-fulfillment of obligations to enterprises, institutions and organizations of all forms of ownership, including banks, and individuals, as well as interest is not accrued for the use of the loan, except for loan agreements for the purchase of property that is or will be attributed to housing facilities, and/or a car.
Friz noted that the final version of the motivational package will be approved at the next meeting of the committee. The bill is planned to be considered in the Verkhovna Rada on April 10, and the final vote will be held on April 11.
Read also: Mobilization in Ukraine: Can Evader's Driver's License and Car Be Confiscated
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