Ukrainian drivers are accustomed to turning on daytime running lights or dipped headlights outside the city. As prescribed in the Traffic Rules, this had to be done in the period from October 1 to May 1.

However, in the fall of 2023, changes were made to the traffic rules – now it is necessary to turn on the lights outside the settlement all year round.
This was reported by "Wave".
For those who, due to carelessness or forgetfulness, ignore this rule from May 1, a fine of 425 hryvnias awaits in accordance with Part 2 of Article 122 of the Code of Administrative Offenses.
Perhaps the innovation went unnoticed by drivers. But it will not be possible to avoid punishment for non-compliance. Therefore, it is better to get used to the constant use of lighting equipment when traveling out of town.
Read also: Mobilization in Ukraine: Can Evader's Driver's License and Car Be Confiscated
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