What awaits the April 7 zodiac signs

Today you are likely to encounter provocations aimed at evoking negative emotions, but you are able to maintain self-control and not succumb to them. Keep yourself in check, especially given your temper.
Trying to convince someone that you are right by force, you risk only provoking a negative reaction. It is better to let the person leave his opinion without your influence.
Today, it is not recommended to meet with friends or relatives, especially if it can lead to serious conflicts.
If you feel tired, go to nature. Even a short trip to the park or a trip to the country can energize you.
Not the best day to hang out with nasty people. Talking to them can be ineffective and even get on your nerves.
Approach with a certain dose of skepticism the stories you are told. Don't be discouraged by information you can't verify.
Refrain from your comments that may cause dissatisfaction with others, especially on social media.
Today, it is better to avoid conflicts and observe from the sidelines. Interference can lead to offensive remarks.
You should not consume alcohol, even in small amounts. Under its influence, unpleasant decisions can be made.
It is better to postpone solving professional issues, as it should be on a day off, at least until tomorrow, and today enjoy your vacation - walking, reading or watching TV shows.
Today is the perfect day to put everything in order – in the house, on the shelves, on the desktop, in the documents. Now there is a mess that just needs to be cleaned up.
It is necessary to always watch what you say, but especially today: there is a great risk of accidentally revealing your secret or someone else's secret, which can lead to unpleasant consequences.
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