This region is particularly prone to the appearance of such waves, which may explain the stories of disappearances.
Researchers at the University of Southampton in the UK have shed light on the mystery of the Bermuda Triangle, an area in the Atlantic Ocean where ships and planes regularly disappeared.
Accordingto information shared by scientists with the BBC, the cause of these disappearances may be huge killer waves.
These high and sharp waves, formed by the collision of several storms, create situations that are dangerous for any vessel. According to the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, this region is particularly prone to the appearance of such waves, which could explain the stories of disappearances.
However, the researchers emphasize that the overall risks in the Bermuda Triangle do not exceed the usual risks of ocean travel. This study helps to better understand the natural phenomena that occur in this area and contributes to the reduction of possible dangers for sailors and aviators.
While there are many theories and assumptions about the Bermuda Triangle, new scientific evidence provides important information for understanding this mysterious zone.
See also: "She isyoung, but she wants to go to the grave": it is known why a 28-year-old woman wants to commit suicide
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