In Ukraine, the status of "limited fitness" in relation to military personnel and persons liable for military service is canceled.
On April 4, the relevant law No. 3621-IX, signed by President Volodymyr Zelensky, was published, the Ministry of Defense of Ukraine reported . At the same time, the department gave an explanation of these changes.
"The cancellation of the status of "limited fitness" does not mean an automatic transition to another status – suitable/unsuitable," the ministry said.
It is reported that the law comes into force one month after publication, i.e. on May 4, 2024.
In addition, the Ministry of Defense added that citizens who have the status of "limited fitness" must re-pass the military medical commission (MPC) within 9 months after the entry into force of the law, that is, until February 4, 2025.
It is also said that after the law enters into force, the government has three months to adopt the relevant regulations that determine the updated list of diseases to determine fitness or unfitness for military service.
"After the re-examination, the military recognized as unfit will be dismissed from military service, and the fit ones will continue to perform military service," the Ministry of Defense said.
It is said that persons liable for military service who are recognized as unfit are excluded from military registration, and those recognized as fit can serve.
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