Ukrzaliznytsia has opened the sale of tickets online for a new direct train No. 143/146 to Hungary on the Chop - Budapest - Vienna route.

This was reported by the company.
Starting today, the second stage of the introduction of online ticket sales to Hungary starts. The new direct train No. 143/146 Chop - Budapest - Vienna, which has convenient connections with night trains from Kyiv, Lutsk and Rivne, and from Chop to Vienna goes in a train of comfortable seated cars with Wi-Fi, is already available in the Ukrzaliznytsia application! We are talking about tickets to all stations in both Hungary (starting from the departure date of April 17) and Austria, – the message says.
The carrier emphasizes that we are talking about tickets to all stations in both Hungary (starting from the departure date of April 17) and Austria.
Tickets for direct connections Ukraine — Hungary (Mukachevo — Debrecen, Mukachevo — Budapest, Chop — Záhony) will appear in the application a little later.
Ukrzaliznytsia also reminded that from March 18, ticket sales for direct direct direct carriages Kyiv – Vienna are available only online in the Ukrzaliznytsia mobile application with account verification through Diia.Signature.
Read also: Warming and rain: what will the weather be like in Ukraine on April 5
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