A fire broke out in Mukachevo, which led to fatal consequences.
Today, a fire broke out in an apartment building on Zakarpatska Street. At 7:49 a.m., residents of the building called the 101 line with a message about heavy smoke in one of the apartments, the Main Department of the State Emergency Service of Ukraine in Zakarpattia region reports .
Rescuers of the 10th and 11th fire departments of Mukachevo arrived at the scene. Due to heavy smoke, they had to work in gas and smoke masks. They conducted reconnaissance and evacuated 5 people from nearby apartments, including three adults and two children. The woman and two children were sent to the hospital due to carbon monoxide poisoning. At 11:30 a.m., their condition was assessed as satisfactory.
At 08:15, rescuers managed to contain the spread of the fire on an area of 10 square meters, and after 25 minutes the fire was completely extinguished. The body of a man born in 1963 was found at the scene.
Read also: In Vynogradiv region , they fought two fires in a day: the consequences are known (PHOTOS)
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