This can lead to sand particles in the sky and deposits on cars and surfaces.

According to the French meteorologist, on April 7, dust from Africa will reach, in particular, the northwestern part of Ukraine.
Next weekend, April 6 and 7, warm air from northern Africa with fine dust from the Sahara will come to Europe again.
This was reported by TSN with reference to the message of the French edition of BFMTV.
"With such a dynamic arrival of air from the south, directly from Africa, the return of sand to the skies of France looks inevitable," said meteorologist Guillaume Séchet.
He also published a map showing that on April 7, dust from Africa will again cover the countries of Western Europe, the Czech Republic, Poland, partially Slovakia, as well as the northwestern part of Ukraine.
???? Notre pays doit se préparer à un nouvel afflux massif de poussières de #sable en provenance du #Sahara ! Les concentrations s'annoncent importantes ce week-end des 6 et 7 avril 2024. Notre article ➡️
— Guillaume Séchet (@Meteovilles) April 2, 2024
Depending on the weather, sand in the sky and deposits on cars, for example, can be more or less noticeable.
According to the French meteorologist, the large amount of dust can "weaken the sun's rays and contribute to the formation of a dense curtain of clouds, which is likely to slow the rise in temperature."
Read also: The sky was not visible at all: a powerful cloud of dust was recorded over Transcarpathia (PHOTOS)
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