Artem Varga was considered missing for almost a year after shelling in the Zaporizhzhia direction.

The sad news, which shattered the hope of relatives, was reported on the network.
"Again, the news of the death of our defender, son, brother, fellow villager stirred up the residents of the Teresva community, who hoped to the last that he was alive," the statement said.
Artem Mykhailovych Varga was born and raised in the village of Teresva in a large family, studied at the Teresva secondary school of I-III degrees.
On January 18, 2023, he was called up for military service during mobilization. He served as a senior gunner-operator of the 2nd Mechanized Division of the 3rd Mechanized Platoon of the 3rd Mechanized Company of the 1st Mechanized Battalion of the military unit A4447.
During the offensive operations of units of the 1st mechanized battalion of the military unit, during the movement of personnel from the affected area, as a result of artillery shelling in the area of the settlement of Robotine, Zaporizhzhia oblast, he went missing.
"On June 24, 2023, he became the Angel of the Heavenly Army...Once again, the Teresva community will meet its son, the Hero of Ukraine, who will return home on a shield...", the network adds.
It is also noted that Artem's meeting and funeral will be announced additionally.
The editorial board of the "Voice of the Carpathians" expresses its sincere condolences to the family, friends and comrades-in-arms of the fallen defender!
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