According to weather forecasters, on Wednesday, April 3, strong gusts of wind are expected in some regions - up to 25 m/s (I level of danger).
On April 3, in Kyiv and the Kyiv region, according to weather forecasters, it will be cloudy with clearings, light short-term rain (in places during the day), westerly wind, temperature at night 8-10°, during the day - about 15°. During the day , wind gusts can be 15-20 m/s (I level of danger).
In the western, northern, Vinnytsia and Cherkasy regions, wind gusts of up to 15-20 m/s are also expected, in the highlands of the Carpathians - 25 m/s.
The Kyiv City State Administration provided the main recommendations that should be followed during strong winds:
- close all windows of houses tightly, remove objects from unglazed balconies and loggias that may fall out;
- outdoors, stay away from billboards, power lines, trees;
- if necessary, take shelter in the nearest room or natural shelter;
- avoid being near large trees, and do not park vehicles next to them.
Read also: Transcarpathians are warned about a new hydrological danger: what to be prepared for
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