Yuriy Holovchak was killed in the Donetsk region a few days ago.

The sad news of the death of the Transcarpathian was reported on the network.
"It is with deep sadness that we inform you that, defending the Motherland, on March 26, 2024, in the area of the Bakhmut direction, our countryman, a resident of the village of Smerekova, a soldier, a gunner of the mountain assault department, the mountain assault platoon of the mountain storm company of the military unit A3029 GOLOVCHAK Yuri Romanovich, born on 03/31/1995, was killed," the message said.
On the day he was supposed to be 29 years old
And on March 31, on the birthday of the fallen defender, the rite of burial of the Hero took place.
"Today is a difficult and sorrowful day for the Dubrynytsko-Malobereznyanska territorial community - the Hero - GOLOVCHAK Yurii Romanovych was taken on his last journey," the message said .
Yurii HOLOVCHAK was called up for military service during the mobilization in November 2023. Soldier, gunner of the mountain assault section of the mountain assault platoon Yurii was killed on 26.03.2024 in the Bakhmut direction of the Donetsk region.
The Hero returned to his native village of Smerekov "on a shield" on March 30, 2024. The mournful cortege was met in the community with flowers, lamps and the national flag!
We said goodbye to the Defender on March 31, 2024, the day he was supposed to be 29 years old. A funeral service was held for the Hero near his home, then the mourning column went to the Temple and the local cemetery, where the body of the Hero was given to the earth with all military honors.
The editorial board of the "Voice of the Carpathians" expresses its sincere condolences to the family, friends and comrades-in-arms of the fallen defender!
Do you want to keep abreast of the latest events from the region and beyond? Subscribe to the Telegram channel "Voice of the Carpathians" and be the first to receive the latest information every day!
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