Senior Sergeant Yaroslav Bahriy was killed in Zaporizhzhia oblast.

In the village of Kamianske , Beregovo district, on April 1, they said goodbye to 46-year-old Yaroslav Bahrii, a senior sergeant who died in the war.
This was reported on the Facebook page of the Kamianske Village Council.
Farewell to the defender took place in the Church of the Intercession of the Mother of God in the village of Kamianske. Relatives, friends, comrades-in-arms and fellow villagers came to see Senior Sergeant Yaroslav Bahriy, who died in the war, on his last journey.
"We express our sincere condolences to relatives, friends and brothers-in-arms. No words can lessen the pain of losing a loved one. This is a heavy loss for each of us... We deeply mourn together with the family," the message reads.
Yaroslav Bahriy was killed on March 26, 2024, while performing a combat mission near the village of Novooleksandrivka, Zaporizhzhia region.
The senior sergeant was buried in the village of Kamianske.
The editorial board of the "Voice of the Carpathians" expresses its sincere condolences to the family, friends and comrades-in-arms of the fallen defender!
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