An unusual dust storm was observed in the region.

The day before, a powerful dust cloud from the Sahara reached Europe and did not bypass Ukraine. Residents of the regions were warned about this phenomenon and advised not to wash windows during this period and not to open them at night. The fact is that dust from the Sahara has a detrimental effect on the health of people, in particular those suffering from respiratory diseases. Children are also at risk.
According to the Ukrhydrometeorological center, in the western regions of Ukraine, a dust storm in cities and villages could be observed on March 31.
As a result, the dust from the Sahara reached the territories of other regions.
Residents of Uzhhorod also had the opportunity to observe a powerful cloud of dust. Photos with a rare meteorological phenomenon for the region were taken over one of the city's monasteries and shared with a journalist from the Voice of the Carpathians
Today, too, a curtain of dust enveloped the sky of Svalyava district. A photo of this phenomenon was posted on Facebook by Olesya Mikhailova
Recall that Transcarpathians could observe a dust cloud from the Sahara in 2013. At that time, the Saharan dust covered the territory of neighboring Slovakia, and then was able to reach Transcarpathia.
Read also: Dangerous dust storm over Ukraine: dust from the Sahara could also be seen in Transcarpathia
Do you want to keep abreast of the latest events from the region and beyond? Subscribe to the Telegram channel "Voice of the Carpathians" and be the first to receive the latest information every day!
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