Those born under these constellations do not know how to apologize.
Representatives of these zodiac signs practically do not know how to forgive offenses or bad deeds. They engrave them in their memory and fence themselves off from the offender like a wall, which is very difficult, and sometimes even impossible, to break through.
Cancers are incredibly warm to those people who will be let into their social circle. However, if their trust is not justified, the representatives of this sign simply will not forgive the culprit and will erase him from their lives without regret.
Scorpios are noted for their well-known ability to hold grudges against others in their minds. If their trust was not justified, or deliberately offended, representatives of this sign may even think about revenge.
Virgos can forgive, especially when it comes to someone close to them. However, representatives of this sign never forget insults, and can use them as an argument in their favor, even years later.
Taurus is very "mutual" in communication. They are able to forgive a bad act or offense, but it takes them a very long time to do so.
Read also: Astrologers named the ideal women according to the sign of the Zodiac
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