Transcarpathians continue to burn dry grass and garbage at an accelerated pace, despite a short break due to weather conditions.
This was reported by the Main Department of the State Emergency Service of Ukraine in Zakarpattia oblast.
Over the weekend, 17 fires in ecosystems were recorded, as a result of which 9 hectares of dead wood and shrubs were destroyed. Since the beginning of the year, there have already been 190 fires that have caused damage to nature on an area of 107 hectares.
Mukachevo district remains the same anti-leader with 68 fires in ecosystems, followed by Uzhhorod region with a margin of 7 fires. Tyachiv district with 32 cases, Khust district - with 19, Rakhiv district - with 16. Beregovo district closes the disappointing list with the smallest number of 15 extinguished fires.
Read also: A fire raged in a warehouse in Transcarpathia: three units of equipment were involved
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