From April 1 this year, the price of issuing a passport will increase.

This was reported by the State Migration Service.
Due to the increase in the cost of forms, the execution of this document will also become more expensive.
The cost of issuing a passport of a citizen of Ukraine for traveling abroad for up to 7 working days and up to 3 working days if there are grounds until 31.03.2024 was UAH 1496 (UAH 992 - the cost of administrative services and UAH 504 - the cost of the form), then from 01.04.2024 it will be UAH 1598 (UAH 992 - the cost of administrative services and UAH 606 - the cost of the form). In turn, the cost of producing a passport of a citizen of Ukraine for traveling abroad within 20 working days until 31.03.2024 was UAH 856 (UAH 352 - the cost of administrative services and UAH 504 - the cost of the form). From 01.04.2024, it will be UAH 958 (UAH 352 is the cost of administrative services and UAH 606 is the cost of the form).
However, Ukrainians who applied for paperwork before the date of the price change (March 31) were warned that they would receive a passport at the old cost.
Those persons who paid for administrative services before 31.03.2024, but have not yet submitted an application for paperwork, will be able to make an additional payment at the rates in force at the time of submission of the relevant applications.
Read also: Mobilization In Ukraine: Which Categories Will Lose The Right To A Deferment
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