The names of the cities and the dates of heating shutdowns in them have been published.

The government has allowed heating to be turned off in Ukraine prematurely. This is due to the warm weather and the need to conserve resources. The dates were announced in the cities, writes "Channel 24".
Recall that the heating shutdown in Ukraine is carried out if the average daily air temperature outside for three days is higher than 8 degrees Celsius.
It was decided to end the heating season in the capital today, March 28. It is warm in Kyiv now, so there is no point in continuing to heat houses and apartments. Mayor Vitaliy Klitschko said that the power system, despite enemy shelling, survived and managed to successfully pass the heating season. The mayor clarified that blackouts are planned for several days.
Similarly, the heat will be turned off in the cultural capital of our country. However, when the air temperature drops, it is possible to reconnect. At the same time, hospitals, schools and kindergartens can continue to be heated. To do this, their administrations need to submit an appropriate letter of appeal to the authorities.
Today, the heat is to be turned off in this regional center as well.
Ihor Nabatov, First Deputy Director of Housing and Communal Services, said that heat supply will continue in hospitals, maternity hospitals, outpatient clinics and kindergartens. Their management does not need to additionally ask to leave the heat in the institutions.
In this city, following the meeting of the executive committee, it was decided to end the heating season tomorrow, March 29.
In Kharkiv, it was decided to end the heating season on March 26. This is a forced measure, because on March 22, the city was shelled by the Russian occupiers. Some communications cannot be restored.
Kharkiv Mayor Ihor Terekhov said that this forced decision was made due to the shelling on the 22nd.
Disconnection of utility services in Uzhgorod is scheduled for April 1. This decision was made by the City Council on March 27.
The heating season is expected to end in the city on March 29.
The heating season will end ahead of schedule in some communities. As planned, the heat was supposed to be turned off on April 15, but in the Klesiv and Dubrovytsia communities it is scheduled for March 31 and 30, respectively.
Deputy Mayor of Ivano-Frankivsk Mykhailo Smushak said that the heating shutdown in the regional center will take place on April 1.
On March 23, the city council decided to turn off the heat on March 27. However, as of March 28, it is still delivered to homes. Local residents are urging to limit heating, because they are forced to open windows indoors due to the heat.
The cessation of heating of houses is scheduled for March 29.
The heating was turned off to the townspeople on March 26.
In Lutsk, the end of the heating season is scheduled for March 28.
Heat will be turned off differently in the region depending on the settlements. On March 28 - in Kremenchuk, and on April 1 - in Poltava, Myrhorod, Hadyach and Lubny.
Shutdowns in the regions are scheduled for the period from April 7 to 10. This is due not only to warming, but also to damage to critical infrastructure.
Read also: From April 1: a strict ban will be introduced in the region
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