The temples were built in VII BC, when the region was controlled by representatives of the Urartian civilization.
Archaeologists have discovered two new temples and fortress settlements in the province of Tunceli (Eastern Anatolia, Turkey). According to Arkeonews, the unique structures were found as part of a project to study the Hellenistic age of the province.
Associate Professor Serkan Erdogan took part in the project. According to him, the fortress settlements discovered in Tuncela shed light on unique aspects of the region's history. The fortresses are located in the westernmost and eastern parts of the province. On their territory there are temples of a new type. They are the historical sources of Tunceli's religious practices. The fortresses of Ashagi-Harik and Masumu-Pak are made in a special architectural style with open prayer spaces, altars and platforms carved into the rocks.
Archaeologists have established that the temples were built in VII BC, when the region was controlled by representatives of the Urartian civilization. Researchers have not been able to determine the exact purpose of religious buildings. It is unknown whether they were built to worship local deities or used to serve the gods of the time.
For the locals, the Kharik Temple (also known as the Lower Castle) is especially important. They consider it a sacred place that has the power to heal people. Locals call the temple Moro Sur, which translates as "Red Snake". According to archaeologists, the presence of the snake motif indicates a deep-rooted mythological connection. The discoveries made by researchers have made it possible to expand humanity's knowledge of ancient civilizations in terms of architectural practices and religious beliefs.
Read also: Obsessed with mirrors and bloodshed: archaeologists unearthed shocking finds from a local cult
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