For those born under these constellations, the second month of spring will be very difficult.
While some people will be incredibly lucky in different, or even all, spheres of life, representatives of the two zodiac signs will have a hard time. They are facing the most difficult month in all of 2024.
Yes, Leo and Sagittarius, you may have serious problems. The black streak will begin in the first days of April, writes LifeStyle 24.
In April, literally everything will fall out of hand. No matter what you undertake, nothing good will come of it. In addition, major changes in personal life are possible. Yes, there is a risk that a loved one will betray you.
Keep your head cool, no matter how hard it gets. You are able to overcome all difficulties and trials.
The second month of spring will be incredibly challenging for you. Sagittarius, something will happen that you could not even think of. The partner will go to the left.
And then there are possible problems at work and beyond. You urgently need rest. And don't be afraid to start life from scratch. Believe me, you will succeed.
Read also: Astrologers named the signs of the Zodiac that know how to control people
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