The Cabinet of Ministers has expanded the list of categories of internally displaced persons (IDPs) who will continue to receive living allowances.

Applications for reassignment of payments for IDPs can be submitted until April 30, 2024.
Those who apply in April will receive funds based on March.
Within two months after the assignment of assistance, internally displaced persons must register at the employment center, or register as an individual entrepreneur, or receive assistance or a microgrant to create and develop their own business, or receive a voucher for training, etc.
It should be noted that the above applies only to those IDPs who do not work and do not care for children or persons with disabilities.
If a person does not do this after reassigning assistance, payments will be stopped.
Automatic extension of benefits for IDPs
Payments from March 1 will be automatically extended for categories of IDPs who are unable to work, namely:
- for pensioners whose pension as of January 1, 2024 does not exceed UAH 9,444 (four subsistence minimums for persons who have lost their ability to work);
- persons with disabilities of group I or II, children with disabilities under the age of 18, seriously ill children;
- orphans and children deprived of parental care, persons under the age of 23, as well as foster parents and foster parents.
Income to continue payments
The amount of income in such families does not exceed UAH 9,444 per person: this is four subsistence minimums for the disabled. For example, it is UAH 37,776 for a family of four.
If the average monthly total income per recipient in the family is less than UAH 9,444, payments will be extended for:
- a person caring for a child under 3 years of age or a child in need of care under 6 years of age;
- families with children under the age of 18 or under the age of 23 who are full-time or dual students.
Extension of payments for IDPs upon application
On March 22, 2024, the Government expanded the preliminary list of categories of IDPs who will continue to receive state housing assistance:
Payments for another 6 months will be available to those families whose children under the age of 14 are not able to attend kindergartens and schools or education takes place in a hybrid format (offline and online), which is why parents cannot work.
Families with children under the age of 14 living in the zone of active or possible hostilities will receive assistance; families with children under 14 years of age who live in relatively safe regions of Ukraine, but do not have the opportunity to send their child to kindergartens, and school education takes place online.
Assistance will be extended to families where one of the family members cares for a person with a disability of group I, or a child with a disability under the age of 18, or a seriously ill child.
Assistance will continue for young children who arrived unaccompanied by their parents, and pregnant women from the 30th week of pregnancy.
People with serious illnesses, but without an established disability.
Children in foster carer families; foster carers; children who temporarily live with relatives, acquaintances, in a foster family, family-type orphanage.
In addition , payments will continue to be made to persons who provide social services on a non-professional basis; persons with disabilities of group III; families of pensioners.
Persons over the age of 55 will continue to receive benefits for the next 6 months.
Read also: Lawyer explained what is the penalty for failure to appear on summons and how to find out about it
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