Persons liable for military service who do not appear at the TCC (territorial recruitment centers) on a summons to clarify information or undergo a military medical commission face a fine of 3,400 - 5,400.

Such fines are provided for in the Code of Ukraine on Administrative Offenses (Article 210-1), lawyer Vladyslav Martynchuk said in a comment to RBC-Ukraine. The expert warned that if a person does not pay the fine voluntarily, it can be forcibly collected.
"... Also, information about a person can be entered into the Unified Register of Debtors, which results in the impossibility of concluding any agreements on the alienation of real estate owned by the debtor," the interlocutor said.
According to the expert, there are several ways to find out that a fine has been imposed, in particular, a citizen or a lawyer can make inquiries to the relevant TCC. Martynchuk added that the deadline for responding to a citizen's request is 30 days, and a document from a lawyer must be answered within five days.
Read also: Can persons over 18 years old be mobilized under the new draft law: the lawyer gave an answer
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