Spring eclipses this year will change the lives of representatives of the cardinal Cross – Aries, Cancer, Libra, Capricorn.

The lunar eclipse, which will take place on March 25, opens the spring eclipse season of 2024 and emphasizes the principle of the sign of Libra – these are social relationships, partnerships, cooperation, as well as any official unions, including marriage.
The lunar eclipse took place on March 25 in the 5th degree of the sign of Libra at 09:13 Kyiv time at the descending Lunar Node, which can be called "liberation", says astrologer Marina Skadi (Marina Sokolova).
The East or South Node is something that goes, it is the past, something that has no continuation. Therefore, during this eclipse, you can get rid of restraining circumstances, things that interfere with and block further development. The spring eclipse corridor will be closed by the solar eclipse on April 8 in the sign of Aries.
An eclipse is a special astrological factor that can make a big difference in a person's life. Astrologers often call eclipses a fatality factor, but eclipses are not fatal for everyone. And fatality is not always bad from the point of view of astrology, it is inevitability, that is, the inevitable rise and success or the inevitable fall and crisis.
Eclipses along the axis of the cardinal signs of the zodiac Aries – Libra will become catalysts for turning points in the lives of many people, and they will not necessarily be negative. It all depends on the natal chart and individual prognostics. An eclipse is the temporary fading of a light source.
An important year awaits if the birthday falls into this eclipse corridor. Karmic topics in the field of relationships are raised, partners often irritate each other , show impatience, there is a tendency to play drama over trifles. Keep a close eye on the situations that happen to you, meetings, proposals, thoughts – the eclipse highlights significant moments. Change your life now. Try to close debts, do not react to external stimuli, avoid sorting things out during this period, otherwise quarrels can drag on for 9 and even 18 years, and the insults inflicted will have a boomerang effect.
A lunar eclipse occurs at full moon near the Lunar Nodes (up to 18 orbis). The Full Moon is the opposition of the Sun and the Moon, and the Earth is located between the luminaries. On such days, the balance of internal and external is important. During a lunar eclipse, there are imbalances and oppositions on the Moon.
During a lunar eclipse, there is no Moon and the role of the night luminary is played by the Sun. A lunar eclipse can be described as an eclipse of the Soul – there is no Moon and there is a lot of Sun. The Moon is internal, hidden, emotions, intuition. The Sun is consciousness, clarity, will, personality, external, demonstration.
During a lunar eclipse, there is a lack of emotions, the difficulty of manifesting intuition, and the emptiness of the inner world. Wounded self-esteem is compensated by an abundance of will, demonstration of obvious qualities. We can show emotions by demonstrating the Solar qualities, which is not natural. In the coming days before and after the lunar eclipse on March 25, it is necessary to abandon the old, in particular, from various kinds of addictions. It is necessary to change one's attitude to the home, to the family, to eliminate blocks in relations with the Family.
An eclipse on the East or South Node is something that is understandable, known, and familiar to a person. It's already gone and familiar. In the past, there was a sense of intelligibility, but this is fictional reliability. During a lunar eclipse, this feeling is gone, and the past is clear and understandable. For an eclipse at the South Node, you don't have to dig into the past — it's addictive.
It should be remembered that eclipses affect external events much more than the life of an individual. However, if the eclipse corridor affects sensitive points of the personal horoscope, then the changes due to the influence of eclipses will be fateful. The main thing is to correctly understand what hints the Universe sends, what a particular person pushes to. Knowing your natal chart helps you prepare for difficult periods, as well as not miss lucky chances.
Each eclipse has its place in a specific family, which have their own characteristics. These families of eclipses are associated with specific time intervals, called Saros cycles, which have a beginning, middle, and end. They were discovered by the Babylonians. Since ancient times, eclipses have made an indelible impression on a person, in some peoples it was associated with some mystical fatal processes.
Any Saros cycle lasts approximately 1200 – 1300 years. It begins at a certain time at the north or south pole at the last moment of a solar eclipse, ie. on the new moon and is denoted by the corresponding letter N (north) or S (south). And as such, this Saros series has a birth chart. Each solar eclipse and the lunar eclipse that accompanies it will express the characteristics of the Saros series to which these eclipses belong.
The spring eclipse corridor of March 25 – April 8 belongs to the Saros 8 N series, the distinctive features of this Saros series are ingenuity and sparks of genius. In previous years, eclipses of this Saros series were from February 11 to 25, 1952, from February 21 to March 7, 1970, from March 3 to 18, 1988, from March 14 to 29, 2006. People born during these time intervals, as well as within 5–6 months prior to the periods listed above, have natal eclipses of the Saros series of 8 N. This means that the events of spring 2024 are of great importance to you and lay the foundation for a long period of time. at least for 9-10 years, or even for all 18-19.
Of course, first of all, the eclipse will be felt by the solar and lunar representatives of Aries and the sign of Libra, as well as everyone who has planets in the first 10 degrees of these zodiac signs. Of course, it is more difficult for those born between September 22-23 and October 22 and from March 20-21 to March 31. The boundaries of the zodiac signs change depending on the year, geographical coordinates, and time of birth. During the lunar eclipse, attention should be paid to the digestive and genitourinary systems, women's health. The moon is responsible for these organs and systems, chronic diseases are exacerbated. In the human body, Mercury characterizes the intestines and the period of the eclipse corridor, from April 1 it goes retrograde. Therefore, various troubles are possible, there is a high probability of poisoning with low-quality food.
In the eclipse corridor, you can lay the right vector of development until the next eclipse season. Positive thoughts in eclipses, effective corrections, energy practices are very important, but desires must be sincere and passionate. Thus, with the help of personal energy, we can create a powerful positive flow for ourselves, open the right doors, so it is very important to meet the eclipse in a calm, spiritualized state.
During a lunar eclipse, it is worth getting rid of everything that interferes, because this is the full moon, after which the period of the waning moon begins. And already in the solar eclipse, it is worth laying down your personal program of self-realization for the next six months.
A lunar eclipse is related to the inner life of a person, so changes can affect the structure and relationship in the family, relationships with parents. Perhaps one of the relatives will change their status and this event will significantly affect the whole family. Many will also be busy resolving their inner conflict when it comes to choosing between feelings and reason.
In a lunar eclipse there is a lot of consciousness, that is, there is a lot of the Sun, but there are few feelings and emotions that characterize the Moon. In general, this contributes to making the right decisions in the social sphere, and at home , emotional restraint and categoricality do not make it possible to create a warm family atmosphere.
During the lunar eclipse on March 25, it is necessary to close outdated topics and not drag into the future what no longer brings pleasure. This is an unusual full moon – everything here is distorted. During a lunar eclipse, you can awaken some dormant problems in yourself, which can lead to protracted conflicts. That is, it should be understood that eclipses are periods of distortion. On the one hand, on the full moon we have a lot of emotions, a lot of feelings. But it is during the lunar eclipse, which always occurs at the full moon, that there are no such feelings and emotions, warmth.
During eclipse seasons, everyone gets what they deserve. Therefore, it is necessary to monitor what is happening in your life, listen to your intuition, and our attitude to what is happening will be of key importance.
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