This rare game can be found when climbing Mount Kostrycha.

An unusual story happened in the area of Mount Kostrycha: a large black bird "blocked" tourists from climbing to the top. He behaved quite aggressively, so it was not easy to drive him away.
The incident was told by Kolomyia resident Irina Syrvacheva, the Informant reports.
According to the NTK story, the woman travels to the Carpathians every weekend. She often had to meet a variety of wild animals. But this time, on a trip to Mount Kostrycha, she came across a white-billed capercaillie from the grouse genus.
"The man, who has long since passed us, stands like this with big eyes. We come up and I see this horror. He was black in color, with red eyes, and made such unusual sounds. I have already met this bird once. Then he just rushed, ran and behaved very aggressively. And this one, too, it turns out, attacked this man. The man ran about 300-400 meters and ran away from him," the woman said.
They tried to drive the bird away, but nothing worked. He did a good job of delaying the travelers, but in the end, he allowed himself to be caught. The tourists carried it deep into the forest and moved on.
The white-billed capercaillie is a species of bird of the genus Black Grouse, which is one of the largest birds in the Ukrainian Carpathians. Its body weight can reach 2.5-6.5 kg, length - 60-87 cm, and wingspan - 87-125 cm. About 3000 individuals of this bird live in Ukraine, and about 300 in the Carpathian Biosphere Reserve. It is included in the Red Book of Ukraine.
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