In the German Bundestag , calls began to be heard to deprive Ukrainian men who are refugees in the country of their payments .
The Berliner Zeitung writes about it.
The corresponding initiative was made by a member of the German parliament from the opposition party Christian Democratic Union Florian Hahn.
As of January, the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Germany recorded the stay of 209,842 men of military age from Ukraine in Germany .
According to Florian Hahn, the German government's payments to Ukrainian refugees are an additional incentive to avoid fulfilling their duty to protect their country from the Russian invasion.
"The signaling effect for Ukrainians will be bad when we talk about militancy, on the one hand, but, on the other hand, indirectly harms the will to defend," Khan said.
However, Hahn's position was not shared by all members of the Bundestag. Many of them oppose the deprivation of financial assistance for men of military age from Ukraine.
In particular, Alexander Müller, a member of the Bundestag from the Free Democratic Party , said that all refugees with the right to reside in Germany should receive the same benefits, regardless of their origin or gender.
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