The girl joined the ranks of the Armed Forces of Ukraine on the second day of the invasion and was 19 years old at the time.

She posted a story from the " Stories from the Front" section on Facebook on her Facebook page 128 Separate Mountain Assault Zakarpattia Brigade.
Jordana is 21 years old, and she has been in the Armed Forces of Ukraine since the second day of the full-scale war – February 25, 2022. At that time, the girl was only 19. The comrades of the East gave Jordan the call sign "Soldier Jane", drawing a parallel with the heroine of the famous Hollywood film. Although they are often called simply by their first name, which is so rare that it can be a call sign in itself.
"I'm from Volyn, I studied before the full-scale and worked in Lutsk at the same time," says Yordana. "Many of my relatives are connected with the army, both now and in the past. My grandfather fought in World War II and reached Berlin, where he received a fragment, my great-uncle was a career military man. My father fought in the ATO and joined the Armed Forces of Ukraine with the beginning of the full-scale war. But later he resigned for health reasons," says the defender.
As soon as the full-scale war began, Jordana waited for her brother, who was in another region, and went with him to the military enlistment office. The girl insisted that she be mobilized as a volunteer, and at first served at the military registration and enlistment office. And then she was transferred to a combat unit – the 128th Separate Mountain Assault Zakarpattia Brigade.
"They knew my mother at the military enlistment office," Yordana continues. "They asked her if she was aware of my decision. I replied yes, and I was enlisted. Mom didn't really know, and when she found out, she cried. But then she made my decision – that's the way it is in our family."
At first, the girl served as a rifleman-orderly in an infantry unit. Together with the brigade, she took part in the liberation of Kherson oblast and the heavy defense of Bakhmut. She lived in combat positions, in trenches and dugouts.
"In the Bakhmut direction, we were planting near a sunflower field," Yordana recalls. – No one removed the sunflowers because of the hostilities, and the Russians came from them to our planting, but from the other side, at night. Their observation post was very close, about 70 meters from ours, so we could hear their conversations. At night, human voices are very well heard, especially in winter. Then I had to use small arms...", - the girl recalls.
Later, the girl transferred to the UAV unit and has been working with drones ever since. He leaves with his comrades for positions three kilometers from the Russians.
"We are looking for enemy targets, aiming artillery and working on them ourselves. We are destroying wheeled and armored vehicles, ammunition depots, mortar crews... Russian electronic warfare often interferes with our work, but we learn to circumvent and minimize obstacles," Jordana continued.
Jordana does not regret joining the Armed Forces of Ukraine and is not disappointed with her decision.
A person can often become disappointed in life if their expectations are not met. But there is a well-known phrase – there is no need to be enchanted, then there will be no disappointment. There is no need to invent any scenarios for yourself, it is better to live in fact as it is. No matter how difficult it is in the army, I have nothing to regret. I met many interesting people here, my comrades, with whom we are at war and live our lives in fact. The hardest thing in the army is to lose people. You are friends with a friend, then he dies during the assault, and you are alive. It's very difficult... Everything else can be experienced. What am I personally fighting for? For their relatives – parents, brothers, sisters, nephews. I have a big family, and I want a better future for it," the defender concludes.
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