A post about a suicide attempt in one of the subordinate RTCC and SP is being spread on the Internet.
The almost fatal incident was reported by the Public Relations Service of the Transcarpathian OTCC and SP.
"We would like to inform you that on March 13, 2024, citizen Khabarov E.V. was detained by representatives of the State Border Guard Service of Ukraine while trying to illegally cross the border. Later, border guards took him to the RTCC and SP to clarify his military credentials.
During his stay on the territory of the RTCC and SP, the citizen went to the toilet, where after a while he was found by a representative of the Khust RTCC and SP. Citizen Khabarov E.V. was sitting on the floor with traces of blood and cuts on his hands.
The servicemen of the TCC and SP provided emergency first aid and called the police and an ambulance, which took the citizen to the Khust city hospital.
Doctors recorded a suicide attempt. An official check is being carried out on this fact," the statement reads.
Read also: Ten hours without electricity: in Transcarpathia, the lights will be turned off for five days
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