He was in a state of clinical death, but doctors resuscitated the defender.
During the two years of the full-scale war in Ukraine, more than 5K Ukrainians underwent rehabilitation in Lviv . And over the past year , 215 prostheses have been made in the prosthetics workshop of the Unbroken National Rehabilitation Center. One of these prostheses was received by Ukrainian defender from Kyiv, Oles Skochenko.
History of rehabilitation of a Ukrainian defender
About where he was injured and how he is recovering after amputation of a limb, News. Oles Skochenko, a platoon commander of the 241st Brigade, told LIVE.
When the full-scale invasion began, Oles Skochenko was abroad. He returned to Ukraine and joined the army.
"When I returned to Ukraine, the first thing I did was go to the military enlistment office. First, there were checkpoints, then a month of training at the training ground, and then I went to Soledar through Bakhmut. Then we go to Kupiansk," says Oles.
In the battles near Kupiansk in November last year, the soldier was seriously wounded and had his limb amputated. He was in a state of clinical death, but doctors resuscitated the defender.
"I didn't stay near Kupiansk for long, on the second exit, literally on the second day, I was injured. Due to various nuances, the evacuation was delayed, so it was somewhere on the verge. There was clinical death, a rather long intensive care unit, but I still got out of it," the soldier shares his memories.
The man says that today he is no longer afraid of anything, but rejoices in the positive moments.
"It may sound pretentious, but there are no fears. I was already afraid of what would happen next, this unknown did not scare me at all. If we proceed from the position that everything is bad, then such small positive moments that I saw here are somewhat inspiring," says Oles.
According to Skochenko, today he is not yet firmly on the prosthesis, but in the future he wants to, because he has a dream.
"On a prosthesis, I still don't feel like I'm on two legs. To be honest, I still feel more confident on crutches. We went to Andriy Kotelnyk's boxing academy here in Lviv, and one of the guys in the ring showed that if the artificial limb had not been visible there, no one would have said that something was wrong there. That's why I would also like to box like that," the soldier says.
After the Victory, Ukrainian defender would like to travel, but now, after recovery, he wants to return to the front.
"I would like to travel, then, after the war. But the war is not over yet and there is nothing to think about civilian life. So far, it's a matter of life and death, including for me," Oles adds.
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