The Ministry of Defense of Ukraine is going to change the approach to the procedure for passing the military medical commission, and for this purpose, the data will be digitized.

According to the deputy head of the department, Kateryna Chornohorenko, the ministry has already created functionality to obtain the results of the commission.
So that non-conscripts come with a decision on their suitability or unsuitability, and the data is sent in real time at the moment when such a decision is already on the side of the military medical commission
The department has also finalized the functionality that will help determine the delivery of a summons to a citizen and the circumstances under which it was transferred.
Thanks to this, people will no longer receive repeated invitations to visit the territorial recruitment center if it is already defending the country on the front line.
The very process of serving summonses, updating data in the TCC and passing the MPC should be as convenient as possible for a person, service-oriented
Read also: The conflict is progressing: Putin is preparing for another war
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- Чистка на Закарпатті: Вища рада правосуддя звільнила двох місцевих суддів (ФОТО)
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- Рада ухвалила закон для тих, хто не оновив дані у ТЦК: деталі рішення
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