One of the highlights of the Vynogradiv region was told in a video on the network.

The only buffalo farm in Ukraine, the Carpathian buffalo, restores the population of these amazing animals. Directly on the farm there is a small processing workshop, where various eco-products are made from very rare and healthy milk. The pride is the real Mozzarela do Bufala. The farm is located in a picturesque corner of Transcarpathia, on the outskirts of the city of Vynohradiv, at the foot of the Black Mountain, in the Antsykovo tract.
It is not at all surprising that the buffalo farm is deservedly considered one of the highlights of Transcarpathia. Where did Asian buffaloes come from in the mountainous region? This is one of the mysteries of history, but you have a chance to get acquainted with these amazing animals, whose intelligence is equated with dogs. Once they helped man survive in harsh conditions, and now they themselves are on the verge of extinction. Buffalo. It is believed that they are not found in Ukraine. In fact, this is not the case. Few people know that the climate of the Ukrainian Carpathians is ideal for these animals.
It turns out that buffaloes were once kept in many rural families, but they were supplanted by cows that are more profitable in breeding.
For more information on how the farm functions now during the war, watch the video from La Selo:
Do you want to keep abreast of the latest events from the region and beyond? Subscribe to the Telegram channel "Voice of the Carpathians" and be the first to receive the latest information every day!
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