The TCC is conducting an investigation into the incident in Mukachevo district.
A video filmed in one of the villages in the Mukachevo region is actively spreading on the Internet. There was an incident between a man walking down the street and men in uniform who used force.
It is noted that the incident happened in the village of Chervenovo. There, cameras recorded people in military uniform stopping a man to check his documents. Later, using force, he was dragged and "packed" into a car.
According to the "Judicial and Legal Newspaper", the Zakarpattia Regional Territorial Center for Recruitment and Social Support is investigating a case that occurred in Mukachevo, where people in military uniform used force against a man. This was reported by the press service of the Zakarpattia OTCC and SP.
"A video is circulating on the Internet, which shows an incident between people in military uniform and a civilian near vehicles. We would like to inform you that an inspection is being carried out on this fact and the actors and circumstances under which the conflict arose are being clarified," the statement said.
According to Telegram channels, TCC employees tried to force the man into a minibus. As a result of the victim's resistance, he was thrown to the ground and hit several times.
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