In the village of Krychovo in the Tyachiv region, a fire broke out in a one-story house where a 77-year-old pensioner lived.

Her daughter, who happened to be passing by, managed to see the fire and call the fire department at 101. She also managed to take her mother outside, according to the Main Department of the State Emergency Service of Ukraine in Transcarpathian region.
The first to arrive at the scene were the fighters of the local fire brigade from the village of Chumalovo. They took under protection the summer kitchen, which was built right next to the burning house. Firefighters of the State Emergency Service from Tyachiv extinguished the fire in the house in 45 minutes and prevented the flames from spreading to another outbuilding.
The fire destroyed the roof on an area of 70 square meters, as well as damaged ceilings and household items.
Read also: In Transcarpathia, two men were detained red-handed: it is known what happened (PHOTOS, VIDEO)
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