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Can a summons be issued to a person with a disability: the North Operational Command gave a clear answer

Society Ukraine

In Ukraine, people with disabilities can also receive summonses from TCC employees. This is necessary in order for the military registration and enlistment office to update the data on the conscript.

Can a summons be issued to a person with a disability: the North Operational Command gave a clear answer

This was reported in the press service of the "North" operational command.

As noted, the summons issued by the TCC employees is, first of all, a summons to the military registration and enlistment office to clarify data about a person. 

"A fairly common complaint against TCC employees, which happens on social networks, is that summonses are served to men with disabilities. However, if a man received a disability after being assigned to a conscription station or is not registered at all in the TCC, then they cannot know about his disability," the operational command said.

They also explained that such cases are regulated by the Decree of the Minister of Defense No. 1487 of December 30, 2022, which states that in the event of a change in personal data (for example, marriage, change in health, birth of a child, etc.), men liable for military service must notify the TCC within 7 days. 

"That is, if men had applied to the TCC in time, there would have been significantly fewer such cases. By the way, military records are also kept in local councils, Administrative Service Centers and enterprises where men work, that is, information must be submitted there as well. A large part of the TCC's work is occupied by providing deferrals from mobilization for those who have the appropriate documentary grounds. Therefore, here they constantly remind men to come and receive such a deferral in order to simplify accounting for the recruitment center, and their own lives," the operational command said.

In addition, if the Military Medical Commission determines a man fit for military service, this does not mean that he will immediately go to the front. If he has not had any experience in the service up to this point, he will be sent to a training center. However, if there is experience, it can be trained and coordinated already in the military unit that is interested in such a specialist.

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