Effective means against rodents that you can grow yourself.

One of the main enemies of gardeners and gardeners are rodents. If you do not fight mice and rats, they can quickly destroy your property and cause irreparable damage to the crop.
Not only expensive chemicals help fight rodents, but also simple and environmentally friendly products, writes Gazeta.ua.
For example, some plants that repel both rats and other animals will help to effectively get rid of rodents. The smell and taste of these plants are extremely unpleasant for rats. Such plants, in particular, include daffodils, mint and marigolds.
It is enough to plant mint around the perimeter of the garden or near vulnerable plants to repel rats. The scent of mint can also mask the smells of other plants that are attractive to rats.
Marigolds are also quite effective at repelling mice. They should be planted next to vegetables or flowers to provide an extra layer of plant protection.
In order to expel mice from the house, you can use a variety of poisons. But this method can be dangerous if you have pets or children.
A method that will help you quickly get rid of rodents includes ordinary table salt, a concentrated infusion of peppermint and birch tar, which can be bought at pharmacies.
See also: "Some new species, they bite people": what kind of misfortune fools the inhabitants of the region and makes its way into their homes? (PHOTO FACT)
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