The minor was taken to the hospital with burns.

Today, March 8, on Zelena Street in Lviv, a 13-year-old boy climbed onto the roof of a train and received an electric shock. The teenager was hospitalized with burns.
Suspilne was told about this at the Lviv Regional Center for Emergency Medical Care and Disaster Medicine.
Doctors received a call about electric shock at 1:56 p.m. At the scene, it turned out that a 13-year-old resident of the Zhytomyr region climbed onto a train, where he was hit by an electric arc.
"The guy with moderate burns to his right hand was hospitalized at St. Nicholas Hospital," said Center spokeswoman Tatyana Andreeva.
According to hospital doctors, the child is now in moderate condition.
"As a result of the electric shock, the patient has third-degree burns on his left arm and knees. Burn surgeons make regular dressings, and a team of anesthesiologists anesthetizes pain and will monitor the patientʼs cardiovascular system over the next day to prevent any risks," said Yarema Beznisko, head of the Department of Anesthesiology and Intensive Care.
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