Servicemen of the Chop detachment found an exhausted man near the Ukrainian-Slovak border.

The border guard detachment of the "Princess" department, which was patrolling the mountainous area, saw a man lying on the ground while on duty. Law enforcement officers noticed that the man was extremely exhausted and, first of all, gave him a drink and fed him.
The detainee said that he had been wandering in the mountains for three days without food and water. A 30-year-old resident of Vinnytsia intended to make his way to Slovakia. He independently plotted a route on online maps. Overcoming difficult terrain, the man could not hold on to the cliff and fell down a steep slope. He lost his mobile phone during the fall, so he could not call and call for help. He tried to keep moving, however, due to injuries sustained during the fall, he moved slowly, sometimes bypassing, and on the third day of hunger and dehydration, he was able to overcome only 500 meters. When he was found by border guards, the man completely lost strength and fell asleep on the ground.
The man was given emergency care and an ambulance was called. At the same time, administrative procedural documents were drawn up against the offender under Article 204-1 of the Code of Administrative Offenses "Illegal crossing or attempt to illegally cross the state border of Ukraine". The case will go to court.
Read also: They wanted to go to Hungary: a large group of men was detained in Transcarpathia (VIDEO)
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