On Thursday, March 7, at 12:00 p.m., in the Cathedral of the Nativity of the Mother of God, in the Rosvyhovo microdistrict, Jan Amos Comenius Street, there will be a farewell to the fallen defender Ivan Makhlynets.

"Because who, if not me!": Transcarpathia was shaken by another irreparable loss (PHOTOS)
On Thursday, March 7, at 12:00 p.m., in the Cathedral of the Nativity of the Mother of God, in the Rosvyhovo microdistrict, Jan Amos Comenius Street, there will be a farewell to the fallen defender Ivan Makhlynets.
This was announced on her Facebook page by the wife of the fallen soldier, Alla Makhlynets. She shared her emotions and memories of her husband:
"My beloved husband is a man of strong will, courageous and fearless, who went to war without hesitation, to protect us, as he always repeated: "For who, if not me!" Exactly 400 days since I do not see you, do not hear you and will not hug you again. Exactly 400 days of fighting for the truth, where everyone showed their true colors, but I believe with all my heart that time will show and the truth will win!"
We express our deepest condolences to the family and friends of Ivan Makhlynets. May the memory of the Hero live forever!
Read also: Irreparable loss: Transcarpathians will see off another Hero on his last journey (PHOTOS)
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