Last year, Ukrainians began to be served summonses to update their military credentials at checkpoints, in public places, and later even in gyms, which caused discontent among people.

The main way of notifying conscripts about their summons to clarify the data was the delivery of summonses at the place of residence. In peacetime, even conscripts were summoned to recruiting stations.
This was stated by the spokesman of the Poltava Regional TCC and SP, Major Roman Istomin, in an interview with the Telegraph.
According to Istomin, some people also hid from conscription – they did not open the door, relatives said that such a person did not live here, etc.
"We record that a large number of people do not live at their place of registration and have not updated the data for a long time. Ok, a person does not want to communicate with representatives of the TCC and SP at home, then they communicate with him in public places: on the streets, checkpoints, etc. By the way, many citizens who are now being called up for mobilization are those who needed an impetus. More than once I heard from them: "I was waiting for a summons, but I didn't go myself. There are also cases when conscripts ask for a summons," the major said.
Another method of notification is the transfer of orders (summonses) to enterprises, which the manager hands over to his subordinates. The authorities are more actively involved in this process.
"Today, our employees practically do not go to the place of residence of citizens, because it does not make much sense. They check documents on the streets. This is done by people from among the servicemen of the Armed Forces of Ukraine (and the TCC and SP are a structural unit of the Armed Forces of Ukraine), endowed with the appropriate powers by the military commandant. By the way, our representatives began to use bodycams so that in the event of a conflict, it would be recorded on both sides and there would be less manipulation," the military commissar summed up.
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