The Main Department of the State Emergency Service of Ukraine in Zakarpattia oblast reports on active aerial monitoring of the territory of Zakarpattia. This is done in order to identify fires in ecosystems and their culprits.

If you're burning dead wood, look up! There is a possibility that you are being followed by a quadcopter of the State Emergency Service.
Yesterday in Uzhgorod region, rescuers, together with law enforcement officers , searched for offenders within the Perechyn community. They examined Perechyn itself, as well as the villages of Simer, Zarichovo and Vorochovo. Protocols on administrative offenses were drawn up against the arsonists, which provide for the payment of a fine of 3 thousand hryvnias.
These measures are aimed at ensuring safety and preventing fires in ecosystems. Be responsible and take care of the environment.
Read also: Shocking find near the river: a human body was found in the region
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- Вогонь підходить до приватних будинків, люди у шоці: масштабна пожежа вирує у Мукачівському районі (ВІДЕО)
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