Defending the country from the enemy, Vasyl Myhovych, Viktor Popovych and Ivan Podopryhora from Svalyava district died .

This was reported online on the page of the Svalyava City Council.
"We received sad news about the death of servicemen - residents of the Svalyava community Vasyl Myhovych, Viktor Popovych and the death of Ihor Podopryhora, who gave their lives for the Independence of Ukraine in the war with the Russian Federation," the message says.
In connection with the death of three servicemen Vasyl Myhovych, Viktor Popovych and Ivan Podopryhora, a three-day mourning period has been declared on the territory of the Svalyava community since March 5.
"As a sign of mourning for the fallen Heroes, the National Flag with a black ribbon will be lowered to half-mast on the local government building. We ask you to lower the National Flags on the buildings and structures of institutions, organizations, enterprises, regardless of the form of ownership, on the territory of the Svalyava community. On days of mourning, entertainment events and the territory of the community are restricted, the sound of entertainment music in trade and catering establishments is prohibited," the message reads.
May the memory of the Heroes live forever!
Read also: He volunteered for the war: a 25-year-old Transcarpathian will return home in a coffin (PHOTOS)
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