Winter this year in Ukraine with considerable "surprises".

If in mid-February the region had almost spring weather with positive temperatures and without significant frosts, in March the weather will change its mood dramatically. And although the beginning of spring was still with moderate warmth, this week it will get colder and frosts will still cut in.
According to the Transcarpathian Center for Hydrometeorology, from March 6, frosts from -3 degrees should be expected.
What will the weather be like from March 5 to 8. When and where will the biggest frost hit this month?
March 5 - cloudy with clearings, no precipitation at night, rain in places during the day. At night and in the morning there is a light fog in some places. Separate thunderstorms during the day. North wind 5-10 m/s. Air temperature at night is 4° C - 1°C below zero, during the day 12-17°C, in the mountains in some places 5-10°C.
March 6 — cloudy with clearings, light rain in places, sleet and snow in the mountains . At night and in the morning there is a light fog in some places. North wind 5-10 m/s. Air temperature at night 0-5°, during the day 8-13° heat, in the mountains in some places at night up to 3° frost, during the day 1-6° heat.
On March 7, there was no significant precipitation. The air temperature at night is 2° Celsius — 3° below zero, during the day 6-11° Celsius, in the mountains in some places at night up to 6° below zero, during the day 1° below zero — 4° Celsius. March 8 — no precipitation. The air temperature at night is 1° Celsius — 4° below zero, during the day 6-11° Celsius, in the mountains in some places at night up to 7° below zero, during the day 1° below zero — 4° Celsius.
And this is the data of the popular site Weather Forecaster. According to the online resource, in the coming days, the greatest frosts will come to Rakhiv and Mizhhirya districts. It will be the most frosty in Synevyr. In the lowlands, the weather will also prepare a "spring surprise", but with less frost.
Earlier, the "Voice of the Carpathians" informed about weather surprises at the beginning of the new year. Instead of snow, heavy rains fell in the region on New Year's Eve. In some areas, roads and farmland were flooded.
We also wrote about a record -23 degrees on one of the largest Transcarpathian peaks - Pip Ivan-Chernogorsky. Such weather on the mountain range was recorded by rescuers on February 10. Regardless of the strong wind and sub-zero temperatures in the mountains, the desperate tourist climbed to the top barefoot and in a light red dress.
Читайте також:
- Нітратний імпорт уже в Україні та здатен "убити": сезонний смаколик є одним з небезпечних
- На Закарпатті розпочинаються масові рейди: сховатися не вийде - тепер вистежують дронами (не ТЦК)
- Дорожнеча б'є рекорди, земля - "гне в могилу": закарпатці готують запаси вже зараз
- Рада ухвалила закон для тих, хто не оновив дані у ТЦК: деталі рішення
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