In the village of Rivnopil, Donetsk region, Transcarpathian Vasyl Chubirka was killed.

The sad news about another fallen defender from Transcarpathia was reported online.
Defender of Ukraine Vasyl Chubirka was born on May 13, 1977 , studied at the Kamyanitsky school, lived in the village of Huta. He carried out a peacekeeping mission in Yugoslavia, worked as a driver in private structures.
After russia's full-scale invasion of Ukrainian lands, he went to defend his native land from the enemy without hesitation.
Our Hero died on 17.02.2024 in the village of Rivnopil, Donetsk region.
"The Onokivka territorial community expresses its sincere condolences to his wife Tetiana, sons Mykhailo and Vitaliy, relatives, relatives and friends on the death of our compatriot - Vasyl Chubirko.
May the good, bright memory of the Hero-Defender of Ukraine forever remain in our hearts," the statement reads.
Approximately at 12:00. On February 26, 2024, the motorcade with the body of the deceased will move in a convoy from the Kefir store in the village of Onokivtsi to the house on the street. Kiltseva, 4, in the village of Sukha Huta where the Hero lived.
At 1:00 p.m ., the funeral service for the deceased will take place at the Roman Catholic Church named after the Virgin Mary in the village of Huta on Tsentralna Street, and at 2:15 p.m., the cortege will begin to move to the cemetery, where the burial will take place.
All those who are not indifferent are asked to meet and see off the fallen Hero with dignity.
Read also: "There was still hope in their hearts that he was alive": relatives did not wait for their missing Hero (PHOTOS)
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